Tirth means Pilgrimage. Yatra means holy journey. Tirth yatra is aiming to give full and useful detailed information on Hindu Deities, Temples and Saits. Pleae come and share your views and information in this subject to create more awareness for Hindu Deities.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

TirthYatra: TirthYatra

TirthYatra: for Hinduism

Monday, April 03, 2006

Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva

Hinduism is a very depth religon. It has God and Godess for everything. It has religious meaning for everything. Let say an example of Hindu main God.

Lord Brahma, God of Creation. Lord Vishnu, God of Survivance. Lord Shiva God of Death or destruction.

Now as we all knew that, whatever is taking birth, one day it will detsroy. But between Birth and Death, there is a fight of 'Survival'. Evry creature istry to live in a Better way, all the time and for that it will give its best possible effort. Those who are successfully able to put there effort in a right way and in a right time, they will be called as a 'Successful'. 90% of among us are normal, who are believing in 'Live and Let Live', they just want to live quitely. They are just mainly believing in 'Peace'.

Now Lord Brahma will finish his duty after giving birth to Human or Animal. His roll will be finish after that.

Lord Vishnu will take charge of that creature who took birth in the Mother earth. His might will give lessons to that creature. Lord Vishnu will give them diffrent conditions, like, Happiness, Sorrowness, Wealth, make him or her poor, etc. It will be measure of the success by Lord Vishnu, how that creature is coping with those different conditions. End of the day after 70 or 80 or 90 years later, when that creature will become old, it will go to the death bed. Here Lond Vishnu will finish his roll.

Last roll is Lord Shiva's roll. This lord will give last rituals of the creature, meaning he will release that creature from Mother land. The word for this is 'Moksh'. If the creature does not become greedy or selfish, it will be taken to the heaven, otherwise it will be sent to hell.

Isn't it fascinating. This is just the touch of the Hinduism.

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Sunday, April 02, 2006


Welcome to the amaizing world of Hindu God, Godess, Saint, Temples and Ashrams. We are aiming to give exclusive and latest information on Hindu Deities. You can join with us and get your give the useful information on the same. Tirth means Holy destination & Yatra means Holy Journey. TirthYatra will also try to give and discuss the different Hindu religious tours as well. So TirthYatra is requesting you to send your experienced religious tours to us. We publish that for the use of other travellers. Thanks